Inspiring vision by Jennifer Jones - the first woman President of Rotary International in 117 years
All Rotary communities worldwide are awaiting the New Year - July 1, 2022 when Jennifer Jones will take over as President of Rotary International, the first woman in 117 years. She's been selected because she is qualified, yet many steps are to be taken to ensure balanced women's representation in decision-making. #Rotary22
Jennifer Jones is truly an inspiring leader, inspirational, informal, and truly charming. She is a genuine leader, speaking from her heart, without standard polished corporate statements that you can guess even before the sentence ends. I believe she will bring great new progress to our organization, paving the way for the younger generation of Rotaractors and other women leaders, as Sylvia Whitlock has done exactly 35 years ago. Unfortunately, Sylvia had to win a case in the Supreme Court of the USA, which rules that women shall be accepted as members too. It took 117 years for Rotary International to select its first woman President for the 2022-2023 Rotary year.
I will be adding later few short videos with the most inspiring moments from Jennifer's speeches on stage, including that special moment of an opportunity to ask her a question myself.
Meanwhile, she made a perfect quote - "it's not enough to be the first - the actual change will come when there will be the second, the third, and more of us". Therefore, I am extremely happy and proud of our district 1462 Lithuania, which has demonstrated true diversity and inclusion and has selected the second woman Governor for 2022-2023, Mrs. Jurgita Turuliene from Vilnius Šv.Kristoforo Rotary club, who will start her term on July 1st, 2022, the same day as Jennifer as well as my own daughter Gabija Trimbel, who will serve as the President of Vilnius International Rotaract Club. I am looking forward to the Inauguration ceremony at the Duke Palace in Vilnius to congratulate them both.
Also, many thanks to Daren Jones, a famous artist who has designed theme scarfs and ties, and who was so kind to help us to present small souvenirs from Lithuania to both Jennifer and Sylvia. It was a great pleasure to meet all the family of Jones. Rotary is all about that family feeling - your own and of your Rotarian fellows.
#Rotary22 #ConnectingPeople